Runabay - Woodpecker @ The Hooley! Team
January 10, 2020
Date: Sep 2016
Duration: 3:20
View Count: 6079
Runabay – Woodpecker
Stream on Spotify
Tweets by runabayband
Video by Carl Quinn at Empty Horoscope Media
As the reverend died, cold hands and wide eyed, what a scene,
Time to crucify, bow those heads and lie, on your knees,
Bound with riddled old hope, found a solemn slope, rest easy,
No homecoming at the time, excommunicated, no time for tears, wasn’t celebrated by creed,
Well it looks like this was a champagne life by the sea,
Full of renegade dreams made by selfish needs, quite obscene,
Spending Yom Kippur on the cote’d’azur ecstasy,
Ashes into the aether such majesty, I could barely understand it was so hard to foresee, and the remnants depart from this tragedy, Twas the sweetest exploration imaginary….
If the ceiling could fall in on Rio, like a moment on Sugarloaf set in the sun, time’s breathing down your neck again