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Susan O'Neil, artistically known as "Son", is an Irish singer songwriter based in Dublin Ireland. She is also the lead singer of two bands "Propeller Palms" and "King Kong Company" which she has perform in many music festivals across Ireland. In 2017 she started touring as a solo artist, makings gigs all around Ireland, Europe and the Us, becoming internationally known. “bluesy debut…showcasing her truly phenomenal husky voice, often reminiscent of Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin or a ballsier Adele” – Hotpress

Jun 2014 13.5K views 3:45
SON - When the Light Shines Down

Jun 2014 13.5K views 3:45
SON - When the Light Shines Down

Jun 2014 13.5K views 3:45
SON - When the Light Shines Down